Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nail Biting:

Autumn has been biting her nails lately.  Mike and I are constantly telling her to take her hands out of her mouth.  I think she is doing it out of nervousness.  Whenever she gets in trouble or does something wrong her hands go straight into her mouth.  It’s been happening for about a month now and it seems to slowly be progressing into a full time habit.  We are going insane trying to break the habit… which might be making it worse.  We’ll keep trying…  I don’t want her to grow up with the nasty habit I developed in childhood.

Henry Update: 16 weeks

Next week Henry will be four months old!  Sometimes I am shocked that it has been that long, then Henry starts crying and I feel like it’s been even longer than four months!  The Zantac is still doing a great job of keeping Henry happy.  The other night I ate some dairy again figuring the Zantac was working well and I could probably start eating lactose again.  Boy was I wrong!   He spent the day with tons of gas, crying, and screams.  It wasn’t pretty.  Needless to say I am back off dairy.

Henry still hasn’t fully laughed again since the first time.  He did give a small sound that kind of sounded like a laugh last night but it was very low and small.  He also doesn’t “squeal” in delight much. In fact, we have only heard it once... this weekend… to papa in the greenhouse.  Must be Henry thinks papa is funny with all that facial hair!

I continue to get frustrated with the development books telling me what Henry “should” be doing by now.  He is such a serious little man.  He doesn’t smile, laugh, or squeal much at all.  I think it’s just his disposition, but I can’t help but wonder…  Henry has also not rolled over yet.  Due to Henry’s acid reflux issues and constant fussiness and gas we haven’t been able to put Henry on the floor much at all during the first few months of his life.  Not only is he not on his back on the floor much but he is practically never on his tummy.  Whenever we try his stomach he has a meltdown, spits up, cries, and gags himself.  He probably won’t be rolling over anytime soon. 

On the other hand… Henry can hold his head up almost completely by himself for long periods of time.  Because we are always carrying him around upright he has had a lot of practice.  He can also keep his upper body very steady while being held.  When pulled to sitting he can keep his head level with his body most of the time as well.  So, Henry is lagging in some areas but is excelling in others.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter 2012


While pulling her winter sled across the grass on the yard autumn stops, throws her hands in the air and says, “It’s no use…ugh!” Too funny!

Henry Update:

Henry has been on Zantac for about a week now. It seems to really be helping him. He is actually happy during the day and he spends some time by himself in the bouncer seat or on the floor without screaming now. He is still a mommy’s boy and loves to be held and cuddled but I can put him down once in awhile now. Henry laughed out loud for the first time on Friday the 13th. It was quite a surprise. I screamed because of excitement and scared Henry into crying after he laughed. We haven’t heard it again since but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I ran out to the store for about an hour tonight (4/4) and came home to find the bath mat in the washing machine. Apparently when mike stripped Henry and started heading for the tub, Henry pooped everywhere. It was all over the bath mat and down the side of the tub. I guess the only good side to this is that mike didn’t have to refill the tub with clean water!


When mike sat down next to autumn this morning at breakfast autumn told daddy, “if you’re going to sit here you have to share” she had yogurt but wanted mike’s bagel!

Henry Update: 14 weeks

Henry has found his hands and he can’t get enough of them. Bringing them together and sucking on them like crazy. He is also rubbing them in his eyes a lot and managing to knock his bottle out of his mouth while he eats. He gets pretty angry about that.

Henry has also started zantac medication for infants. We are hoping most of his crankiness is due to acid reflux and this will fix the problem. The doctor said it might take up at a week to see a difference while the medicine builds in his system and his throat heals. We’ll see…