Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bean Picking

While picking beans with autumn I asked her to go ask Daddy to get me another bowl since the one I was using was filling up.  Autumn's response... " of course I can ask daddy for a bowl, but I need to pick more beans first!"  Too funny!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Autumn's Fear of Doctors (7/14/11)

Autumn is deathly afraid to go to the doctors lately.  It must be all of the shots they give babies.  She cries the minute the nurse puts us in the small exam room and closes the door.  She doesn't stop screaming until we are leaving.  It makes it hard to discuss much with the doctor.  We recently purchased a baby alive doctor doll for autumn in the hopes that it will get her used to the idea of a doctor and make the appointments less traumatic.  She hasn't received it yet... waiting for a special occasion!

Doctor's Appointment (7/26/11)

This afternoon I had a doctor's appointment for my fourth month of pregnancy.  16 weeks and counting.  Everything has been going well lately, which is nice after the early scare with bleeding at week 12.  I got the paperwork for my next ultrasound today too, just have to call and schedule it in Potsdam.  We'll be able to find out the baby's sex if we want to in about 3 weeks!

Home Renovations (2011)

Currently we are using the Daycare income to complete home renovations that we have been meaning to do since we moved in.  Since January we have put new carpet in all of the rooms upstairs, renovated the downstairs bath and upstairs bath, added molding to Autumn's room along with wall decor, ripped out and replaced the side porch, front porch, and main entrance, purchased supplies to build a large playground along with rubber chips, purchased garage doors, and paved the driveway.

Still on the list: install garage doors, order and install new windows for the upstairs rooms and downstairs bath, paint the metal roof, repair the chimney, prepare the spare room for the new baby, and build the playground.

Diego (July 2011)

Autumn's newest obsession is Diego.  All she wants to read are her Diego books, all she wants to watch is the Diego cartoon, and we had to buy Diego underpants.  She even has a little toy Diego she carries around everywhere.  If this keeps up I will be making a Diego cake for her third birthday!

Little Hands (7/26/11)

Autumns newest saying is "I have little hands, not big hands...see?"  She gets her own cereal out of the cupboard each morning and also gets mommies' cereal out.  When Dad asked why she didn't get his out too, she replied that she has "little Hands."  Her favorite cereal is Raisin Bran... of all things.

When reaching for her puzzles, that are on the top toy shelf in the living room she states, "I can't reach, I have little arms, not big arms...see?"

Watertown Zoo (7/22/11)

Today we went to the Watertown Zoo with Grandma Masuk.  Autumn had a great time even though there weren't a lot of exotic animals.  We saw goats. llamas, pigs, turkeys, chickens, birds, elk, wolverines, wolves, and owls.  After we left the zoo we took Autumn to the playground and then went to the mall for some shopping and lunch.

Potty training is still a work in progress but there were no accidents during our trip.