Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Deer Fence:

Our latest home renovation has been a 7 foot tall deer fence around the back acre of property.  This year we hope to not have to fight with the deer for rights to our vegetables.  We have expended what we planted this year since we hope to have a great year for production with the natural pruners… we planted strawberries, asparagus, corn, radishes, cucumbers, raspberries, and turnips.  We still need to plant our potatoes and pumpkins.  It’s getting to be late but we can only get so much done at a time with Henry man.

Henry Update:

Henry is now 5 ½ months old.  Last night he rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time.  He was so angry about it.  He hates being on his tummy.  I thought it was a fluke but he rolled over to his tummy again today. 

Henry has started eating a wide variety of baby food.  So far he has had sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, peas, bananas, prunes, peaches, and pears.  He hasn’t even been eating baby cereal lately because he loves the regular food so much.

Henry is still quite fussy and loves to be held.  It will probably always be that way.  He loves to watch the other kids play and is very quiet when he’s happy.  When left alone during happy times that when he starts chattering away.  Around a crowd... he falls silent. 

I still have to schedule his 6 month well baby appointment.  We are still trying to find a time that won’t waste a whole day and will work around Henry’s schedule.  He really doesn’t like things to be different. 

Recently I purchased “the fussy baby” book by William and Martha sears.  It has helped deal with Henry’s neediness.  It doesn’t make his fussiness stop but it helps me understand how he feels and is also reassuring knowing that other moms have been in the same place.

Talking about death:

Autumn asks me "mommy, am I going to get really really old and die? I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" 
-this stems from a conversation with Calvin about autumn’s great grandpa for father’s day.  Calvin told autumn that his great grandpa was dead because he got old, and that everyone dies when they get old.  Thanks Calvin…