Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Home Renovations (still going…)

The garage doors have been installed now and look great.  The upstairs windows and bathroom windows have been replaced with new energy efficient ones.   The playground has been completed, and the chimney has been repaired.  The wood stove has also been temporarily removed and the stone floor under it has been replaced and brought up to “code.”  The baby’s room has been painted and molding has been installed.  I do need to finish painting the closet in the baby’s room though.  We have also gotten about 1/4 of the metal roof primed and ready for paint.  We are moving through our to-do list with good speed.  Let’s just hope we can finish everything we wanted to before the cold weather hits and the new baby arrives.  Everything will be much harder with an infant.  We have also added new windows for the downstairs to the to-do list.  They have been ordered and will be installed when they arrive.

Week 25 & Counting

This week’s doctor’s appointment went well.  The doctor is happy with my weight gain, even if I’m not.  I have gained 9.5 pounds so far this pregnancy.  The baby is kicking all day, it seems like he never sleeps.  The next appointment had been made for October 24th and will include my glucose screening test for gestational diabetes.  Also, a week before that I have to return for another sonogram because it seems that the last time I had one done (at about 20 weeks) they couldn’t get good spinal pictures because the baby was moving too much.  102 days to go!

Monster Daddy

Fighting with Autumn to eat her meals has become an everyday thing, as well as an every meal thing.  It’s getting awfully frustrating.  The other night she had some Diego toys at the table with her (in a last ditch attempt to get her to eat) and daddy had to pretend to be a monster trying to eat her toys to get her to eat in order to “save” the animals and Diego.  I hope this doesn’t turn into something we have to do every night.  Even with the game it took almost 45 minutes for dinner….  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Halloween Costume

Autumn is excited about being a princess for Halloween.  I ordered her the "Belle" costume from Disney and it's beautiful.  She was all ready to try it on but the dress is covered in sparkles and i'm not ready for the mess yet.  Grandma "greenhouse" took the dress home a few nights later to try to find matching material to sew a small handbag for autumn to use as a candy bag.  I really don;t know why they don't sell a matching handbag for little girls.  I think it would ruin the costume if she was walking around with a pillow case!

I have to send the little shoes back for an exchange.  Even though we ordered the size she currently wears there is no way those shoes were even coming close to fitting on her foot.  Last year she wore a size 5 shoe so we got the size 5/6 Minnie Mouse shoe for her costume.  They were never worn because they were so large.  Now the poor girl wears a size 6 shoe and again i ordered the size 5/6 and now its way, way to small!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Best Friends

Tonight Autumn declared that she was Mommy's best friend and that she loves her mommy!  I will have to remember this when shes a teenager yelling at me that I ruined her life!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Little Boss

Autumn has to make sure she tells daddy all about our day when he gets home or during dinner.  She doesn't just tell what she did but what the other kids did and if they got in trouble.  She is the little reporter...  telling us over and over again.  She also tells kids to stop things when she thinks their being bad and tells me to spank them or to send them to time out.