Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rough Night (3/28/12)

Autumn was in bed at 7:30 last night. At 8:10 we here “daddy!” and sobbing. After going upstairs i find out that her water sippy cup she keeps in bed in empty and that’s what all the fuss is about. After mike and I go to bed we here our room door open at midnight and autumn walks in asking if its morning yet. Mike escorts her back to bed and tell her to stay there. About 20 minutes later we hear her crying and yelling again. Mike goes back into her room and finds out that she is crying just because he didn’t put her stuffed bunny under the covers with her and the bunny was apparently cold. After getting up and swapping some laundry in the morning autumn wakes up and comes into the bathroom. She walks right to the window and peers through the blinds to find out if its morning yet and if she’s allowed to get up. I guess mike threatened a butt spanking if she got up again and left her room before morning.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Henry Update:

Henry has been “talking” a lot more lately as well as smiling. He is starting to figure out t hat he has hands too. He keeps bringing the right hand up and rubbing it all over his eye and then getting mad at himself. It’s pretty funny to watch. Since Henry has recently started feeling better I hope that we can get more time on the floor on his belly. The doctor insists that his chronic crying won’t affect his development.

Soy Formula (3/19/12)

After our last well baby visit the pediatrician thought maybe Henry was having issues with lactose in my diet. Since Henry hadn’t gained a lot of weight and has been extremely fussy it was worth a shot at eliminating dairy from my diet. Henry went on soy formula for a day and a half while I stopped eating dairy to get it out of my system. He has been back on breast milk ever since and id doing much better. If only the doctor had recommended this 11 weeks ago we might have saved ourselves a bit of sanity! Henry is also getting gas drops with each feeding to make sure we get most of the gas bubbles up. That seems to be helping too. Henry is a much happier baby and will actually sit in a bouncer or on the floor playing for a few minutes at a time without having a major meltdown. What a difference we have seen over the past week!


"I’ll just have daddy screw this when he gets home from work"
"Daddy likes to screw everything" (3/22/12)
---she was talking about replacing batteries in one of Henry's toys!

Autumn: "maybe i can watch the dinosaur Diego on my birthday"
Me: "we can watch it right now if you want"
Autumn "we can! oooohhhh I’m so excited" (3/23/12)


While unpacking the groceries after the last shopping trip Autumn found a tub of Folgers coffee in the bags, pulled it out, and exclaimed excitedly “Look, it’s a new compost!” Mike and I were confused for a few minutes until we realized what she was talking about. We currently are reusing an old Folgers coffee bucket under our sink to store the compost items until we can make a trip outside to the barrel. Apparently Autumn thinks that all Folgers coffee buckets are now compost. Too cute.

Work Accident:

Autumns fingers were smashed in the water tank at grandma’s greenhouse over the weekend. Shockingly nothing was broken and she again didn’t learn her lesson. Within ten minutes of calming down she was back in the water tub. That girl is just too rough and tough for her own good.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fork in the Eye:

Last week while eating lunch autumn somehow managed to put her fork in her eye. Needless to say, it was a huge meltdown. Her eye was fine, just a bit puffy and watered for a few hours. Autumn is constantly fooling around with her silverware after taking bites so it was only a matter of time before she managed to stab herself. She insisted on medicine to make her feel better. Has she learned her lesson? Not at all. At the very next meal she was waving around the fork.

Work Time:

This weekend (March 3rd) was the first weekend we started work in the greenhouses for this season. Autumn was super excited to get to spend the weekend with both grandmas. Saturday morning when we got up she came downstairs and got out her own cereal and started eating without waiting for mom and dad. She insisted she get dressed immediately and started putting on her coat and shoes before we had woken Henry or even ate our own breakfast.

We dressed autumn in her ugliest clothes for “work gear” before we went. She kept asking “why” we were in those clothes. We told her we were working… “Why”… to make money! That got her excited. Autumn has been in love with money for a while now and just loves to put change in her piggy bank and watch me count it out to take to the bank. She has her own savings account and she loves when she gets to go to the bank with me because the ladies in town give her suckers.

Autumn kept declaring during the weekend that she was working for “big money”. She helped fill dirt pots and carried pots back and forth for us in the greenhouse. At the end of the weekend grandma paid her with a small bucket of loose change. We took autumn to the store to buy one treat with her money. The rest came home with her and was stashed in her piggy bank!

Henry Update:

Henry is now 2 months old. He is growing like a weed and I can’t wait to see how much he weighs at his next appointment on Friday. I’m not looking forward to the shots he has to get though. Henry has really settled down at night and is sleeping for 7-8 hours for the first stretch, getting up and eating a bottle, and then going back down for 4-5 more hours. He has started smiling more but he is still such a serious little boy. He has also started making some noises other that crying. He is oohing and aahing, and just within the last few days he has started making a throaty gurgling noise. He still likes to be carried around much of the day but as long as you’re interacting with him he’s happy at least. The evenings are still his cranky time and he won’t let mike hold him most of the time. Let’s hope some of these things start to settle down soon too.

Autumn’s 3rd Birthday Party:

We celebrated autumn’s 3rd birthday party at the end of the month this year. It gave us time to settle in with Henry in the house and also spaced out autumn’s gifts between Christmas and her birthday a bit more. We had a Diego cake for her party that mom and grandma hapeman made. She wore a really cute handmade Diego dress that I found and purchased on ebay. Autumn made out like a little bandit with all her presents. She got 2 sets of pajamas, bath paints, crayons, and color tabs, a new bedding set, a bunch of Clifford books, some Melissa and Doug cooking items, a Dora bike and v-tech reader cartridges. Mom and dad got autumn a bunch of Diego toys since they seem to be the ‘best toy ever” around here and we are constantly breaking up fights over them.

Henry Update:

At our one month check up Henry weighed in at 9 pounds 7 ounces. He is really growing lately. He has gone up to the 27th percentile for weight now. Henry has developed a bit of colic and we spend most of the day and night trying to figure out what will calm the little man down. Evenings are a bit hectic between dinner, house clean up, baths, and Henry! Lately we find ourselves wishing the days away until the little man calms down a bit. At the same time we want to enjoy this time since it’s the last babu we plan to have. The doctor recommended swaddling Henry during the day as well as the night. So far, it has worked when nothing else seems to keep him quiet. We’ll see…